29 Mar, 2016
Some Terms
- Linear models
- $\Rightarrow$ linear in “parameters”. That is
\[y = f(X)\beta + \epsilon\]
In linear models, least Squares = BLUE = MLE, for normal errors.
- Best Linear Unbiased Estimator. $\hat\beta = (X’X)^-X’y$ are linear in $y$.
- Analysis of Covariance. Mix of Regressions and ANOVA.
R: options(contrasts=c("contr.sum","contr.poly"))
contr.sum = the constraint that $\sum \alpha_i = 0$
Default in R for lm(y~x)
is to set the first level parameter $\alpha_i= 0$
lm(y ~ x - 1)
=> no intercept
Estimate of $y$ is the same, though estimate of $\hat\alpha$ may be different.
- $\hat\beta = Q(\beta) = \underset{\beta}{\text{argmin}} (y-X\beta)^T(y-X\beta)$
- find the gradient
- set the gradient = 0
Derivatives of Vectors
- $\frac{\partial b^Ta}{\partial b} = \frac{\partial a^Tb}{\partial b} = a$
- $\frac{\partial b^TAb}{\partial b} = (A+A^T)b$
Review: Vector Space, Subspace
Teach Span and collumn space using simple 2 by 2 examples.
- Span
- The set of all linear combinations of $x_1,…,x_r \in S$ is called the space spanned by $x_1,…,x_r$. If $M$ is a subspace of $S$ and $M$ equals the space spanned by $x_1,…,x_r$ then $\bc{x_1,…,x_r}$ is called a spanning set for $M$.
- column space
- In terms of $y=X\beta$. The column space of $X$ is the set of $y$’s such that there exists a $\beta$ such that $y=X\beta$.
See lecture 2 notes on p. 21 / 64 for the application.
- Linearly Dependent
- Let $x_1,…,x_r$ be vectors in $S$. If there exists scalars $\alpha_1,…,\alpha_r$ not all 0, such that $\sum \alpha_i =0_r$ then $x_1,…,x_r$ are linearly dependent. Otherwise, linearly independent.
- Basis
- If $M$ is a subspace of $S$ and if $\bc{x_1,…,x_r}\in S$ is a linearly independent spanning set for $M$, then $\bc{x_1,…,x_r}$ is called a basis for $M$. (check)