24 Sep, 2015» First BNP Class
29 Sep, 2015» Foundations for DP
1 Oct, 2015» Stochastic Processes
8 Oct, 2015» Sampling from DP
15 Oct, 2015» Project Ideas
5 Nov, 2015» Dirichlet Mixture Models
9 Dec, 2015» A Review of the Spatial Dirichlet Process (Course Project)
21 Mar, 2016» Pitman Yor Process & Resources
25 Sep, 2015» First Applied Math Class
16 Oct, 2015» LU and SVD
20 Nov, 2015» Complex Analysis
7 Jan, 2016» Advanced Bayesian Computing Resources
8 Jan, 2016» Shrinkage & Regularization
11 Jan, 2016» Shrinkage & Regularization
13 Jan, 2016» Shrinkage & Regularization
15 Jan, 2016» Nonegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
15 Jan, 2016» Ideas / Things to Investigate
20 Jan, 2016» Stochastic Search Variable Selection
22 Jan, 2016» Stochastic Search Variable Selection (Cont’d)
25 Jan, 2016» Early Shrinkage Priors
29 Jan, 2016» Compresing Predictors
1 Feb, 2016» g-prior
3 Feb, 2016» Variable selection on BNP
5 Feb, 2016» Posterior Consistency
8 Feb, 2016» Sequential MCMC (2016)
10 Feb, 2016» Sequential Monte Carlo (fixed parameter settings)
12 Feb, 2016» Assumed Density Filtering
17 Feb, 2016» Expectation Propagation
19 Feb, 2016» GP based models for big N
22 Feb, 2016» Woodbury for GP
24 Feb, 2016» Sparsity Based Methods
26 Feb, 2016» Variational Inference
29 Feb, 2016» GP - Latent Variable Model with Variational Inference
9 Mar, 2016» Stochastic Gradient Descent (Bayesian)
7 Jan, 2016» Bayesian Inference Glossary
7 Jan, 2016» Bayesian Inference Resources
14 Jan, 2016» Decision Theory
19 Jan, 2016» Admissibility
21 Jan, 2016» Admissibility (Continued)
29 Jan, 2016» Jeffreys Prior (included in midterm 1)
2 Feb, 2016» Bayesian Interval Estimation
4 Feb, 2016» Sampling Algorithms
4 Feb, 2016» MCMC Diagnostics
23 Feb, 2016» Hypothesis Testing
25 Feb, 2016» Model Comparison
1 Mar, 2016» More on Hypothesis Testing
10 Mar, 2016» Markov Chain Monte Carlo
7 Jan, 2016» Classical Inference Glossary
7 Jan, 2016» Classical Inference Resources
8 Jan, 2016» Distributions
29 Mar, 2016» Resources
26 Apr, 2016» Prep Midterm 1
24 Feb, 2016» Normal Approximation
13 Apr, 2016» Quiz 3 - Normal Distribution
27 Apr, 2016» Quiz 4 - Correlation
28 Sep, 2016» Quiz 1 - Averages, Medians, and Standard Deviations
8 May, 2018» Cards and Envelops (AMS 131)