7 Jan, 2016

Classical Inference Glossary

Bias: $E[\hat{\theta}] - \theta$

  • Note that by construction, method of moment estimators are unbaised for the moments.
  • Unbiasedness is not invariant to transformations.
  • The variances can be used to compare two estimators with the same bias.

Consistency: An estimator $\hat\theta_n$ is consistent if $\hat\theta_n\overset{P}{\rightarrow}\theta$

  • You can prove consistency typically in two ways:
    • using the definition of consistency (checking convergence in probability)
    • If $\lim E\brak{\hat\theta} = \theta$ and $\lim Var\brak{\hat\theta} = 0$, then $\hat\theta$ is consistent. That is, if the estimator is asymptotically unbiased and has zero variance, then it is consistent.

Relative Efficiency: $RE(\hat\theta_n,\tilde\theta_n) = \frac{V(\hat\theta_n)}{V(\tilde\theta_n)}$.

Asymptotic Relative Efficiency: $ARE(\hat\theta_n,\tilde\theta_n) = \lim \frac{V(\hat\theta_n)}{V(\tilde\theta_n)}$.


MSE: MSE($\hat\theta$) = E$\brak{\paren{\hat\theta -\theta}^2}$ = $\text{Bias}(\hat\theta)^2 + \text{Var}(\hat\theta)$

Exponential Family: $p(x|\theta) = h(x)c(\theta)\exp\{\sum_{k=1}^K t_k(x)w_k(\theta)\}$, where $K$ is the number of parameters (i.e. the dimensions of $\theta$).

Natural Exponential Family: $p(x|\eta) = h(x)\exp\{\sum_{k=1}^K \eta_k t_k(x) - \psi(\eta)\}$, with natural parameter $\eta$, and sufficient statistic $\sum_{k=1}^K t_k(x)$.

Convergence in Probability: $\forall \epsilon \gt 0, \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} P(\abs{X_n-X}>\epsilon) = 0$. Usually, convergence in probability can be proved by Chebychev’s inequality. Convergenve in probability always implies convergence in distribution.

  • Note: $X_n \overset{P}{\rightarrow} X \Rightarrow h(X_n) \overset{P}{\rightarrow} h(X)$, for $h(\cdot)$ a continuous function.

Chebychev’s Inequality: $\displaystyle P( \abs{g(x) -\mu} \ge r)~\le~\frac{E(g(x))}{r}$

Convergence in Distribution: $\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} F_n(x) = F(x)$, $F$ is continuous. Convergence in distribution to a constant implies convergence in distribution to the same constant.

Weak Law of Large Numbers (WLLN): $\bar X_n \overset{P}{\rightarrow} \mu$

CLT: $\frac{\bar X_n - \mu}{\sigma/\sqrt n} \overset{D}{\rightarrow} N(0,1)$

Slutsky’s Theorem: If $X_n \overset{D}{\rightarrow} X$ and $ Y_n \overset{D}{\rightarrow} a$, then

  • $Y_n X_n \overset{D}{\rightarrow} aX$
  • $X_n + Y_n \overset{D}{\rightarrow} X + a$

Delta Method: If $\sqrt{n}[Y_n-\theta] \overset{D}{\rightarrow} N(0,\sigma^2)$ then \(\sqrt{n}[g(Y_n)-g(\theta)] \overset{D}{\rightarrow} N(0,\sigma^2[g'(\theta)]^2)\)

Data Reduction:

Sufficient Statistic: $T(x)$ is sufficient for $\theta$ iff $\forall x$ in the sample space $p(x|T(x)) = \frac{p(x|\theta)}{q(t|\theta)}$ is independent of $\theta$. (Not unique)

Minimal Sufficient Statistic (mss): An mss $T(x)$ can be written as a function of any other sufficient statistic $T(x)$.

  • Find mss using this important theorem: If $\frac{f(x|\theta)}{f(y|\theta)}$ is constant as a function of $\theta$ iff $T(x) = T(y)$, then $T(x)$ is mss.
  • Use this to find mss for all distributions, as practice. (Remember to prove both directions)

Ancillary Statistics: A statistic $S(x)$ whose distribution does not depend on the parameter of interest $\theta$ is an ancillary statistic. (No shortcuts, must calculate the pdf and show that it is constant w.r.t. $\theta$.)

  • The range is ancillary to the location parameter in location families
  • The ratio of two random variables in a scale family is ancillary to the scale parameter
  • Ancillary and sufficient statistics are not always independent

Complete Statistic: Let $f(t|\theta)$ be a family of pdfs or pmfs for a statistic $T(x)$ (i.e., $T(x)$ is a statistic / transformation of the data: mean, sd, etc.). If $E_{t|\theta}[g(T)] = 0 $ for all $\theta$ implies that $P(g(T)=0) = 1$ for all $\theta$, then $T(x)$ is a complete statistic.

  • complete statistics are also minimal sufficient statistics (if they exist)
  • In the exponential family, $T_k(X)$ is complete (as long as the parameter space $\Theta^d$ contains an open set in $\mathcal{R}^k$, i.e. $d \le k$)
  • Note: $\frac{d}{d\theta} \int_0^\theta~g(t)~dt = G’(\theta) - G’(0) = g(\theta) - g(0)$, if $g$ is Riemman integrable.

Basu’s Theorem: Complete mss are independent of every ancillary statistic.

  • Example 6.2.26 is an interesting example

Factorization Theorem: $f(x|\theta) = g(t|\theta) h(x)$ iff $T(x)$ is sufficient for $\theta$.

  • Exercise: pick a distribution and find the sufficient statistic by identifying $g(.),h(.)$

Hessian: In computing the MLE, the second derivative equivalent in bivariate case is the Hessian matrix H: Matrix of second derivatives. Evaluate $H=H(\hat\mu,\hat\phi)$ and check that it has all negative eigenvalues. True for higher dimensions. \(H = \left( \begin{matrix} l_{\mu\mu} & l_{\mu\phi} \\\\ l_{\phi\mu} & l_{\phi\phi} \\\\ \end{matrix} \right)\)

Invariance of MLE: Let mle of a function of a parameter is the function of the mle of the parameter.

Satterwhite Approximation: Approximating $Z = \sum a_i Y_i$, $Y_i \sim \chi^2_{r_i}$.

  • Approx with $Z \approx \chi^2_{\nu}/\nu$
  • $E(Z) = \sum a_i r_i \approx E(\chi^2_\nu/\nu) = 1$
  • find $E(Z^2)$ then solve for $\nu$.
  • Finally, $\tilde\nu = \frac{2}{(\sum a_i Y_i)^2-1}$

Statistics Joke:

Three statisticians go hunting in a forest. The first one shoots one meter to the left; the other shoots one meter to the right. The third statistician says, “we got it!”

Uniformly Minimum Variance Unibaised Estimator
Cramer-Rao Lower Bound
Let \(x_1,...,x_n\) be a sample with pdf \(f(\pmb x|\theta)\) and let $W(\pmb x)$ be any function satisfying
  1. \[\frac{d}{d\theta} \int_\mathcal{X}~W(x)f(x|\theta) ~dx = \int_\mathcal{X}~\frac{d}{d\theta}W(x)f(x|\theta) ~dx\]
  2. \[Var(W(x)) \lt \infty\]


\[Var(W(x)) \ge \frac{ \brak{\frac{d}{d\theta}E_{x|\theta}(W(x))}^2 }{E_{x|\theta}\paren{\paren{\frac{d}{d\theta}\log f(x|\theta)}^2}}\]
Let $W = W(x)$ be an unbiased estimator of $\tau(\theta)$, and let $T$ be a sufficient statistic for $\theta$. Define $\phi(T) = E(W|T)$. Then $E(\phi(T)) = T(\theta)$ and $Var(\phi(T)) \le Var(W)$ for all $\theta$.
UMVUE’s are unique
Let $T$ be a complete sufficient statistic for $\theta$, and let $\phi(T)$ be any estimator of $\theta$ based on $T$. Then $\phi(T)$ is the unique best unbiased estimator of its expected value.
Theorem (for checking an estimator is not UMVUE)
If $E_{x|\theta}(W)=\tau(\theta)$ $W$ is the best unbiased estimator for $\tau(\theta)$ iff $W$ is uncorrelated with all unbaised estimators of 0. (i.e. $Corr(W,W^*)=0$, where $E[W^*]=0$.)

EM (Expectation-Maximization) Algorithm

  • Let $Y$ = “incomplete” data (observed)
  • Let $X$ = “augmented” data (unobserved)
  • Let $(X,Y)$ = “complete” data
  • Then $p(x,y | \lambda)$ is supposedly the likelihood
  • And $p(x | y,\lambda) = \frac{p(x,y | \lambda)}{p(y | \lambda)}$
    • Startwith some $\lambda^0$, and sequentially compute: $\lambda^{(i)} = \underset{\lambda}{argmax} E[\log P(x,y | \lambda) | \lambda^{(i-1)}, y]$

Hypothesis testing

Likelihood Ratio statistic
\(\lambda(x) = \frac{\underset{\theta\in H_0}{sup} L(\theta;x,y)}{\underset{\theta\in H_0 \cup H_a}{sup} L(\theta;x,y)}\) reject when $\lambda \lt c$ where $c$ is small
Power Function
The power function of a hypothesis test with rejection region $R$ is the function of the parameter $\theta$ defined by \(\beta(\theta) = P_\theta(X\in R)\). When \(\theta = \theta_0\), \(\beta(\theta) = \alpha\). Yes, confusing nomenclature.
  Reject Null Accept Null
Null is True Type I error ok
Null is False ok Type II error

Type I error \(=\beta(\theta_0) = \alpha\) Type II error, could be infemum of power, or \(1-\beta(\theta_1) = 1-\gamma\)

Most Powerful Test
Let $G$ be a class of tests for testing \(H_0:\theta\in\Theta_0\) vs \(H_a:\theta\in\Theta_0^C\). A test in class $G$ with power function $\beta(\theta)$ is a uniformly most powerful (UMP) class $G$ test if $\beta \ge \beta’(\theta)$ for every $\theta\in\theta^C$ and every $\beta’(\theta)$ that is a power function of a test in class $G$.
Neyman-Pearson lemma (simple-simple)
Consider testing \(H_0: \theta=\theta_0\) vs \(H_1: \theta=\theta_1\) where the pdf or pmf is $f(x | \theta_i)$, $i=0,1$, using a test with rejection region
\[\begin{array}{lcl} X \in R &\text{if}& f(x|\theta_1) \gt kf(x|\theta_0) \\ X \in R^C &\text{if}& f(x|\theta_1) \le kf(x|\theta_0) \\ \end{array}\]

for some ($k\ge0$) such that $\alpha = \beta(\theta_0)$. Then

  1. Sufficiency: Any test that satisfies this is a UMP level $\alpha$ test.
  2. Necessity: If there is a test satisfying these conditions with $k\gt 0$, then every UMP level $\alpha$ test is a size $\alpha$ and every UMP level $\alpha$ test satisfies the structure of the rejection region except perhaps on a set $A$ satisfying \(P_{\theta_0}(X\in A) = P_{\theta_1}(X\in A) = 0\).
Monotone Likelihood Ratio tests
A family of pdfs or pmfs $\brac{g(t|\theta): \theta\in\Theta}$ for a univariate random variable $T$ with real valued parameter $\theta$ has a monotone likelihood ratio (MLR) if $\forall(\theta_2 \gt \theta_1)$, $\frac{g(t|\theta_2)}{g(t|\theta_1)}$ is a monotone function of $t$.
Karlin-Rubin Theorem
Consider testin \(H_0: \theta \lt \theta_0\) vs \(H_1: \theta \gt \theta_0\). Suppose that $T$ is a sufficient statistic for $\theta$ and the family of pdfs or pmfs $\brac{g(t|\theta): \theta\in\Theta}$ of $T$ has a MLR. Then for any $t_0$, the test that rejects $H_0$ iff $T\gt t_0$ is a UMP level $\alpha$ test where $\alpha = P_{\theta_0}(T\gt t_0)$
A p-value $p(x)$ is a test statistic satisfying $0\le p(x) \le 1$ for every sample $x$. Small values of $p(x)$ give evidence that $H_1$ is true. A p-value is called valud if for every $\theta \in \Theta_0$ and every $0 \lt \alpha \lt 1$, $P_{\theta}(p(x) \lt \alpha) \le \alpha$

When the distribution of the test statistic is not available in closed form, we can

  1. use asymptotics
  2. permutation test
Wilk’s Theorem
For testing $H_0: \theta = \theta_0$ vs $H_1: \theta \ne \theta_0$ suppose $x_1,…,x_n$ are iid from $f(x|\theta)$, $\hat\theta$ is the MLE and $f$ satisfies regularity conditions. Under the null hypothesis, as $n \rightarrow \infty$,
\[-2 log(\lambda) \overset{D}{\rightarrow} \chi_1^2\]

More generally, if $H_0 \in \Theta_0$ vs $H_1 \in \Theta_0^C$ then

\[-2 log(\lambda) \overset{D}{\rightarrow} \chi_d^2\]

where $d=dim(\Theta) - dim(\Theta_0)$

Permutation test
if under the null the distribution of the data is invariant under the action of permutations, the distribution of statistics can be easily computed.


$ X_1,…,X_n \sim F_1$ and $ Y_1,…,Y_n \sim F_2$. $H_0: F_1 = F_2$ vs $H_1: F_1 \ne F_2$.

We can test this by randomly relabelling the samples and testing to see if the distributions are the same by seeing if some statistic of the difference of the distributions $Z = g(X) - g(Y)$ is different from 0.

Wald Likelihood Test
Under large samples, we can test the two-sided hypothesis $H_0: \theta=\theta_0$ vs. $H_1: \theta\ne\theta_0$ (not necessarily bidirectional, can be simply greater than or less than) with the statistic
\[Z_n = \frac{\hat\theta-E[\hat\theta]}{\sqrt{Var\p{\hat\theta}}} = \frac{W_n - \theta_0}{S_n}\]

Note that when $W_n$ is the mle and $S_n$ is the $\frac{1}{\sqrt{I(W_n)}}$, $Z_n \overset{D}{\rightarrow} N(0,1)$. We can also substitute $\sqrt{Var(\hat\theta)}$ with $se(\hat\theta)$. Using $se(\hat\theta)$ is often easier when inverting a test, and that is used most often in intro stats courses. The wald test is an approximate test. Using a wald test and inverting it to get a confidence interval may show up in the first year exam. (Try doing this for all exponential family distribution models.)

Interval Estimation
An interval estimate of a real-valued parameter $\theta$ is any pair of functions $L(X)$ and $U(X)$ of a sample that satisfies $L(X) \lt U(X)$ for all $X$ in the sample space. If $X$ is observed the implied inference is that $L(X) \lt \theta \lt U(X)$. Note that here, $X$ is a random variable.
Confidence Coefficient
$\underset{\theta}{\text{inf}}~P_\theta(\theta \in (L(X), U(X)) )$
Intervals that are based on point estimators whose distribution does not depend on the parameters of the model.
Test Inversion
Like probability that confidence interval contains the hypothesized value. The test is constructed such that it will have the desired coverage.

Under regularity conditions (see below), if $x_i$ are iid $f(x_i\v\theta)$ and $\hat{\theta}_n$ are the MLE’s for $\theta$ then

\[\frac{\hat\theta - \theta}{\sqrt{Var(\hat\theta)}} \overset{D}{\rightarrow} N(0,1) ~~ \text{assymptotically Normal}\]


\[\hat\theta \overset{P}{\rightarrow} \theta ~~ \text{consistent}\]

Regularity Conditions

  1. iid observations
  2. Identifiability of parameters (i.e. $\theta \ne \theta’ \Rightarrow f(x\v\theta) \ne f(x\v\theta’), \forall x$)
  3. $f(x\v\theta)$ to have the same support for every $\theta$ (support does not depend of parameter) and be differentiable in $\theta$.
  4. The parameter space contains an open set $\omega$ of which the true value of the parameter $\theta_0$ is an interior point. (true parameter is not on the boundaries of the parameter space.)
  5. For every $x$ the density $f(x\v\theta)$ is three times differentiable wrt $\theta$, the thrid derivatie is continuous in $\theta$ andd $\int f(x\v\theta) dx$ can be differentiated 3 times under the integral sign.
  6. For any $\theta_0$ there exists a positive number $c$R and a function $M(x)$ (both of which can depend on $\theta_0$) such that the $\abs{\frac{\partial^3}{\partial\theta^3}\log f(x\v\theta)} \le M(x)$ for $\theta_0-c \lt \theta \lt \theta_0+c$ with $E_{x\v\theta}(M(x)) \lt \infty$

Consistency requies 1-4. Normality requires 1-6.

Likelihood Profile
A likelihood of the form $L(\theta_1,\hat\theta_0(\theta_1))$. Where $\hat\theta_0(\theta_1)$ are the MLE’s for a set of parameters $\theta_0$ evaluated (in closed form) based on some parameters $\theta_1$(for which the MLE’s cannont be found in closed form).

Parametric Bootstrap

For a likelihood $f$,

  1. Draw $y\sim f(y\v\hat\theta_{MLE})$
  2. For $b = 1:B$
    • $y^{(b)} \sim f(y\v\hat\theta_{MLE})$
    • Compute $\hat\theta_{MLE}(y^{(b)})$

Nonparametric Bootstrap

Sample data of size $n$ with replacement, fit model, get estimates.

Possible Projects

  • Comparing Newton Raphson, SGD, and GD for finding MLE of a (generalized) linear model
    • speed and difficulty
    • review EM