24 Feb, 2016
The problem once again is inverting $G=(\sigma^2I+K)$ which is $n\times n$. This is $O(n^3)$. If we can strategically make $G$ sparse, we can invert the matrix in much less time.
Gneting (2001) proposed compactly supported kernels. Covariance between two points is zero if distance beyond a certain threshold.
\[\kappa(s,s') = \p{\brak{1-\frac{ \norm{s-s'}} {\nu}}_+}^4 \p{1+\frac{4\norm{s-s'}}{\nu}}\]In the GP, the covariance function is,
\[\tau^2 \exp\brac{-\phi \norm{s-s'}} = cov(\mu(s),\mu(s')) > 0\]Matrix to invert is \(K + \sigma^2I\) has no zero-entries. In sparsity based methods, the goal is to sparsfy the matrix $K$ and employ sparse matrix. ($n\log(n)$)
Cannot randomly make entries in $K$ zero, because the matrix will lose positive definiteness. So, we use sparsity based methods.
$\kappa(s,s’,\delta)$ s.t. $\kappa(s,s’,\delta) =0$ iif $\norm{s-s’} > \delta$
For example:
Use Kolmogorov consistency theorem to show that the covariance functions are valid.
Suppose $\mu \sim GP(\cdot, \kappa(\cdot,\cdot,\theta))$. Instead of fitting $y = \mu(s) + \epsilon$ we fit
\[y_i = \mu(s_i)w(s_i) + \epsilon\]where
\[w(s_1,...,s_n) \sim GP(0,\kappa_\delta(\cdot,\cdot))\]is a compactly supported correlation function.
$K_1$ is the $n\times n$ covariance matrix s.t. $K_{1,ij} = cov(\mu(s_i)w(s_i),\mu(s_j)w(s_j))$
This is equal to $\kappa(s_i,s_j,\theta) \kappa_\delta(s_i,s_j)$, where $\delta$ is tuned, and $\theta$ are the hyperparameters.
So, $K_{1,ij} = 0$ or nonzero. Impose more sparsity in $K_1\Rightarrow$ choose smaller $\delta$.
Instead of $y_i = \mu(s_i)w(s_i) + \epsilon$, loog at the residuals the predictive process
\(y = \tilde{\mu}(s) + (\mu(s)-\tilde{\mu}(s))w(s) + \epsilon\) \(y = \text{global structure} + (\text{local structure})\)
where \(\tilde{\mu}(s) = E[\mu(s) \v \mu(s_1^*),...,\mu(s_m^*)]\). $\tilde{\mu}(s)$ is going to capture the long range dependicies between observations, but destroys (interpolates) local structure. Not scalable for more than 10000 observations.
Suppose covariance function of this type (isotropic)
\[\tau^2 \exp\brac{-\phi \norm{s-s'}} = \kappa(s,s') = \kappa(\norm{s-s'}) = \kappa(d)\] \[\kappa(d) = \int~e^{-2\pi i \lambda}\psi(\lambda)~d\lambda\]where $\psi(\lambda)$ is the Fourier transform of $\kappa$. For the Matern Correlation, there is a closed form Fourier transform (look it up because instructor didn’t remember). Do the analysis in Fourier domain, and then back transform with inverse Fourier.
Not interpretable. But scalable.