19 Feb, 2016
where $\mu$ is an unknown function of the covaraites.
Prior on a function is a stochastic process.
$\mu \sim GP(m(\cdot),\kappa(\cdot,\cdot))$ where $m(\cdot)$ is a known function to center the GP. In many applications, $m(\cdot)=0$ . Covariance kernel is a function that specifies covariance between $\mu(x)$ and $\mu(z)$. $cov(\mu(x),\mu(z) = \kappa(x,z)$.
Covariance kernel determines smoothness of the prior realizations. Holder $\alpha$-continuous continuous.
If $\kappa(x,z) = \kappa(\norm{x-z})$ then the kernel is stationary. That is if the covariance depends only on the distance, it is stationary.
Hao Zhange (2004) proved that $(\tau^2,\phi,\nu)$ cannot be consistently estimated together. But a function of the parameters $\tau^2\phi^{2\nu}$ can be estimated. You need two of the three parameters to estimate the other. Fix $\nu$ and estimate $\phi$ and $\tau^2$. $\phi \sim U(a,b)$ using empirical variogram. \(\begin{aligned} \mu(.) &\sim GP(0,\kappa(.,.,\theta)) \\ \mu(x) &\sim MVN(0,K) \\ \end{aligned}\)
where $K_{ij} = \kappa(x_i,x_j,\theta)$. So
\[\begin{aligned} y &= \mu + \epsilon \\ &\epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma^2I)\\ &\mu \sim N(0,K)\\ &N(y|0,\sigma^2I+K) \end{aligned}\]In MCMC, the posterior for the hyperparameters will involve matrix inversion of $n\times n$ matrices in the likelihood.