22 Jan, 2016

Stochastic Search Variable Selection (Cont'd)

Problems with SSVN

  • Computational issues (large $p$ is a problem)
  • Correlation among predictors, say $x_1,x_2,x_3$ are highly correlated, then each of them will be included $1/3$ of the time, instead of including one of the predictors (if they’re supposed to be included).
  • SSVS not great for more than hundred of predictors
  • Not appealing philosophically for a Bayesian

Shrinkage Priors

  • unimportant predictors shrunk to 0; important ones are kept.
  • Laplace (Bayesian Lasso)
    • bad shrinkage prior: $f(x) \sim \exp^{-x}$
    • good shrinkage prior: $f(x) \sim a^{-x}$
  • research started in 2005
  • Polson & Scott (2010, 2012)

Global Local Representation

  • global parameter shrinks all coefficients to 0
  • local parameter avoids over-shrinking
  • Normal Means Problem
\[\begin{matrix} y_1 & = & \beta_1 + \epsilon_1 \\ \vdots & = & \vdots \\ y_n & = & \beta_n + \epsilon_n \\ \end{matrix}\]
\[\begin{matrix} \beta_j | \psi_j,\tau & \sim & N(0,\psi_j\tau) \\ \psi_j & \overset{iid}{\sim} & g \\ \tau & \sim & f \\ \end{matrix}\]
  1. $g$ should be heavy tailed
  2. $f$ should have sufficient mass around zero

  • Bayesian Lasso (Park and Casella, 2008 (read); Hans 2009). Also a bad prior.