Arthur Lui
Advisor: Juhee Lee
5 March, 2021
Commercialized in 2009
Makes use of time-of-flight spectrometry to accelerate, separate, and identify ions by mass
Enables detection of many parameters (biological, phenotypic, or functional markers) in less time and at a higher resolution
Led to greater understanding of natural killer (NK) cells
Natural Killer cells play a critical role in cancer immunosurveillance.
NK cell diversity affects antiviral response.
Drs. Thall and Rezvani, at MD Anderson Cancer Center, have conducted clinical trials to study the potential clinical efficacy of umbilical cord blood (UCB) transplantation as a therapy for leukemia.
UCB NK cell therapy has the advantage of low risk of viral transmission from donor to recipient .
In the trials, leukemia patients received UCB cell transplants, and NK cell surface markers are measured using mass cytometry.
Obtaining cell subpopulations using overly-simplistic may yield an unreasonably high number of subpopulations.
Most existing methods use traditional clustering methods (K-means, hierarchical clustering, density-based clustering, nearest-neighbor clustering, etc.)
For high-dimensional cytometry data, compared existing clustering methods including FlowSOM , PhenoGraph , Rclusterpp , and flowClust .
Existing methods do not directly model latent subpopulations or quantify model uncertainty
\[y_{i,n,j}=\log(\tilde{y}_{i,n,j}/c_{i,j}) \in \mathbb{R}.\]
$K$ is a sufficiently large constant